Thursday, November 11, 2010


In this week's session, i found a lot of things interesting so i might as well talk about everything. In the reasoning topics on the professor's page, i searched up every one of them and found that each one of them has a specific meaning to it. But they can all be used in conversations, arguments, and even persuasion. Reasoning by example can be very useful at time when you are trying to update a friend about what is going on in the world, if he does not understand what you mean, you can use examples to relate to what you guys are talking about. That way, it will be easier for him to understand and engage in the conversation. All these reasoning's can be useful in many ways,  if you are trying to relate something to something else, you can use reason of analogy. Reasons like this can start up a great conversation.


  1. Although this post seemed a little vague and simple, I liked reading it. It was simple but very understanding. I like how you explained how the reasonings can be used daily in conversations and arguments. I definetly agree with that statement. I like how you explained reasoning by example. And using an example to explain it was very good as well. I also agree with your example because sometimes the best way to explain something to some one is by using another example. It definetly make the conversation a lot easier. And I like how you chose reasoning by example because it is a great way to start a conversation and basically i agreed with everything you said on your blog. Good job and keep it up:)

  2. Hey! Your post seems very straight to the point. I like how you wrote it like that. Others usually go into a full circle before talking about what they really think about the chapter. In my opinion, I thought this was an interesting chapter as well and I found a lot I could talk about. You explained your points very well, which made it easy for me to read and understand. I also agree with your example and how it can relate to myself about trying to relate something to my friend so the other person can get a better understanding of an idea. You did a great job.
