Monday, October 4, 2010


In chapter 7, Epstein says that a counterargument is raising objections in a standard way to show that an argument is bad. In my opinion, counterarguments are very good ideas because it can actually save someone from doing something. Counterarguments are said everyday, from cars to food. Environmentalist say that people should ride bikes to school and work because not only does it save money but it saves the earth from air pollution coming from cars. There are actually clubs on campus that promote these activities. People promote counterarguments by saying that fast food is bad for you but in a way, they are so good. These days parents use counterarguments a lot when they are negotiating with their children about driving a car or going out to parties, they might say wait until you are eighteen so the insurance will be lower, or do not go to the party because there will be underage drinking. Overall, i think that counterarguments is a very good strategy when it comes to persuading. Not only is it true but it can also be life saving.


  1. Nice work on the blog post about counterarguments. I like how you used the examples that can relate to many of us that we talk about every day. Counterarguments give us an broad view of how other people sees the subject and what their opinion is. It gives us the idea to weigh our decisions to see which is more reasonable from the arguments. No matter what we do or say, there's always seems to be a counterargument to it. It's one way of persuading the other side to agree to our opinion, but most likely, it would be an ongoing debate that would end in silence. I like how you mention about how it can be life saving like how your family could persuade a person from danger and troubles if they make a wrong decision.

  2. I agree with Little Miss Blogger, it's awesome that you created some very relatable situations when giving examples for counterarguments. It is true that counterarguments gives us a way to let us give our opinion, but we have to be careful and not just create phony refutations or be subjective. Also, it is easy for us to ridicule some of the counterarguments someone we know creates, thinking that they are not a reliable source or are well knowledgable in the area. However, when talking to someone like our parents or siblings we are always wanting to create a counterargument to get our way, knowing that if we keep going we'll win. :)
