Monday, October 18, 2010

Chapter 8

After reading chapter 8, i have learned many things. For example, i did not know that some of the words we use today are general claims. Some people say that all Chinese people know kung fu, so if i am Asian, then i must know kung fu? i just used a general claim when i said "some people" meaning at least one person has to have said all Chinese people know Kung Fu. I also learned that some general claims are very vague, they just say a sentence like "all dogs bark" well some dogs do not because some are too shy and some cant speak due to vocal damage. I know a friend that put a shock collar on his dog n when the dog barked once, that was the last time i ever heard him. I worked at McDonald's before and i just have to say that the manager was horrible. Even though the workers say she was fair. They say that all managers are bad when they do not offer any sort of promotion, my manager did not give any promotions and kept it for herself, so she is a bad manager. She was also racist because i was the only Chinese guy working there and she would say bad stuff about me not knowing that i knew what she was saying.


  1. Wow, interesting post you got on here in regards to Chapter 8 of Epstein’s text. I liked how you summarized it nice and easy. I thought the example of your friend’s dog was funny, but it’s meant to be sad since it was the last time you ever heard from that dog. Makes me never want to invest in a shock collar in case something bad happens to dogs! I hope your work experience was an example, not something happening in reality. Situations like that should be reported since you were treated unfairly and it relates to discrimination. Don’t let something like that ever pass by again when it could be prevented because it is a serious issue and it can pass onto other incoming employees that are unaware of the mistreatment from the manager.

  2. I really enjoyed reading your summary on Chapter eight, general claims. I like how you immediately jumped into your example of a general claim. Your examples were great! I enjoyed reading them! I like how you stated example after example. It was different from many other blogs I read, and I think it definitely grabs reader's attention. I like how you detailed your examples and then gave explanation to why they were general claims. I also like how you made it very clear and easy to understand. I think your summary was well written. Overall, I think you did a great job!

  3. I enjoyed reading your summary of what you learned in chapter 8. I thought it was cool and different how you went straight into examples. Many people explain what they learned first and finish with examples. So it was nice to have a change up and just by having your examples, helped explain the concepts you wanted to explain. It seems like you used a lot of examples instead of paraphrasing the whole chapter. Explaining how all dogs do not bark was quite interesting, kinda sad that that dog has a shock collar on, lol, but it was a great example of how general claims are not strong or valid. You did a good job on this post and helped me to think of new ways to approach explainin my posts in the future. Good job!

  4. Good job, good job. You did a pretty good job of summarizing chapter 8. The examples you provided were really good. Unlike most people's blogs, you added many examples. This really strengthened your blog. I really could rely on this if i had to. If i did not have the textbook, and did not have the resources to read chapter 8, I am certain that i could fully learn everything in the chapter from your summary. Kudos my friend. The way you broke it down made it really easy to understand. I really like dogs, so reading your example about dogs really tickled my fancy!
