Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Part 2

I found that Section C in Chapter 5 was pretty interesting because i found out from Epstein that most advertisements are arguments. Truthfully, i never knew that. According to Epstein, he says "Many advertisements are arguments, with the conclusion that you should buy the product, or frequent the establishment, or use the service." When most of the people see advertisements on billboards or the internet, we usually gaze upon the characters within the poster and then the product they are trying to promote, then we would gaze in awww. For example, the advertisement extenze, which is a male enhancement commercial/advertisement that argues all men should take this pill so that they can perform better sexually and that the pill contains many benefits. All advertisements have a downside because for some people it wont work and in that case, the argument is not valid. It only seems valid when actors and actresses are promoting the advertisement, that way anyone will buy the pill and will think it will work, but literally, it might not.


  1. Hello! After reading your post, I was interested how you mentioned more details about Section C from Chapter 5 in Epstein's text about internet advertisements. I never thought of the media as a form of argument, but it is something both you and I just learn! I always thought of it as some form on marketing ploy of demands for you to be interested. You'd see these models from clothing stores being photo shop in these ads that makes you so interested into buying the products because it makes you think you'll look good like them! The media is cruel because all they want is your money from buying their products! Now we know that we should be extra cautious on buying things because it can be a scheme! By the way, funny example on the male enhancements!

  2. Hi! Your example was a really, really good one. I really did not expect someone to blog about male enhancement pills, which is why I was laughing while I read your blog. Not trying to put you down, just thought it was interesting. But it is true though; advertisements are basically arguments, though some are not as intricate as others. They can give all of these benefits and reasonings for why you should buy their product or frequent their services. Some people believe them, no questions asked while others ask, "Why, how, or so?" A male enhancement pill advertisement is a good example to use for an invalid argument-after all, who knows if they work for every male?

  3. I definitely agree with you in that advertisements are arguments. I realized this a long time ago, though. The media has such a strong influence on everyone these days because of the amount of media each of us are exposed to on a daily basis. There are also many different ways in which the media advertises and tries to convince you to believe what they are telling you is true. You said that the advertisement seems to be made more valid when actresses or actors advertise the product. This type of advertising would be known as testimonial. Many people find it easier to believe a famous person and it makes them want to jump on the “bandwagon” in order to be like the celebrity. After reading your post and the comments, it became clear to me how naïve people are when it comes to advertising! I agree with you all in that we should be more careful when considering products advertised by the media, because all the media cares about is money. They do not care if the product really works for you!!
