Monday, December 6, 2010

What i found interesting

In this week's discussion, i found something quite amusing. I found that generalizing in chapter 14 is the same thing as cause and effect. The examples that epstein gives is quite similar. For example, when Lee says "Every time i have gone to Luigi's, it has taken over 30 minutes to get our pizza. So let's not got there tonight because we are in a hurry." I say this is similar to cause and effect because the cause is them going to that particular restaurant, and the effect would be waiting for 30 minutes for a pizza. It takes that long probably because it is very good and it is a popular restaurant. I think this is true in reality as well because people are always generalizing without knowing it. But overall, i think that generalization summarizes most of the concepts we have learned in the book. I think out of all the chapters, i like this chapter the best.

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