Sunday, December 5, 2010

My opinion

In this class, i have to say that my favorite thing about this class was not having to go to class, i loved the fact that it was online. That way, i can sleep in and complete an assignment and receive a good grade as well. I also liked that i learned so many things that i did not know about. Such as the concepts from the two books. I did not know that most of what we say and think today are related to the concepts. I can not say that i have something i liked least about this class. It was online, the assignments were easy, and the group was easy to work with, no complaints about that. This class can be improved by having the instructions to be more specific, some people understood it but some people did not, and i respect our professor for getting back to us as soon as possible on her busy schedule.


  1. This semester went by so quick! I agree with you every step of the way. The best part of this class was that it was online. It is true that we can sleep in and still learn and do a good job on the assignments. The least favorite thing I liked about this class was that my group had problems meeting up to do the assignments. It was hard because we are not all at school on the same days nor do we all live in San Jose. It was hard, but my group did it. We still managed to find a day when everyone had time to meet up. It took many emails until we all agreed on a day.

  2. I agree with Aria above me. This semester sure did fly y at an amazing speed. It seems just just a few days ago we were doing our first blog posts. And now here we are, doing a few of our last. In my other post about this topic, I wrote about how convenient this class is also. Being able to "be in class" while technically just on your computer is really cool. Its so amazing how far technology has come. 15 years ago the whole idea of an online class was preposterous. Now and days people can graduate from an online college!!

  3. I totally agree with you that not having to go to class was the best! The fact that we can sleep in and keep this class at a pace individuals can keep on their own. I also agree that the concepts in both books were very helpful and interesting to learn about. Even though I hardly asked any questions about assignments, my group and myself were able to get the work done. If the instructions were a little more clear and specific it would have been a little better. to comment on MaxPowers, technology has definitely come a longs way! We can do and find anything on the internet in our time and day now!

  4. i like how almost every blog that i've read talks about how the person loved the fact that this class was online. i loved that aspect, too. i thought the assignments were easy and straightforward. plus, i thought it was awesome that we had almost a week to complete them. when it came to group projects, i thought it was harder for me to get them done because my group had very different, busy schedules that prevented us at times from meeting. nevertheless, we were able to get our projects done and in on time. i can also appreciate the fact that professor was friendly and that she got back to us in a timely fashion. she definitely was a big help.

  5. Just like what the others said, I loved not having to go to campus to go to this class! All we had to do was just turn on the computer and start doing the work. I also agree with you on how the course work were things that we used in everyday life however did not know what the terms were or did not notice them until the concept was read or blogged about. I, however, found that the projects were a bit tedious because it was hard for my group and I to collaborate at times because everyone’s schedules were so different from one another. Thanks for blogging, layers!

  6. I think many feel similarly about the class. I agree with your blog, layers. There are upsides to having this class online. I totally agree with the sleeping in part and getting along with the group members we have been assigned. It is great that even though there is that room of freedom, people still are able and willing to work hard in this class to get assignments done right and on time. I also agree with the specification on things since there is a communication barrier since this class is online only and eliminates some communication possibilities. This was an enjoyable class! Glad you enjoyed it.
