Monday, December 6, 2010

What i found interesting

In this week's discussion, i found something quite amusing. I found that generalizing in chapter 14 is the same thing as cause and effect. The examples that epstein gives is quite similar. For example, when Lee says "Every time i have gone to Luigi's, it has taken over 30 minutes to get our pizza. So let's not got there tonight because we are in a hurry." I say this is similar to cause and effect because the cause is them going to that particular restaurant, and the effect would be waiting for 30 minutes for a pizza. It takes that long probably because it is very good and it is a popular restaurant. I think this is true in reality as well because people are always generalizing without knowing it. But overall, i think that generalization summarizes most of the concepts we have learned in the book. I think out of all the chapters, i like this chapter the best.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

My opinion

In this class, i have to say that my favorite thing about this class was not having to go to class, i loved the fact that it was online. That way, i can sleep in and complete an assignment and receive a good grade as well. I also liked that i learned so many things that i did not know about. Such as the concepts from the two books. I did not know that most of what we say and think today are related to the concepts. I can not say that i have something i liked least about this class. It was online, the assignments were easy, and the group was easy to work with, no complaints about that. This class can be improved by having the instructions to be more specific, some people understood it but some people did not, and i respect our professor for getting back to us as soon as possible on her busy schedule.

What I Learned

In this class, i have learned so many things. I have also learned that most of what we use in daily life has some meaning to it. For example, i learned that if i touch a hot stove, i will burn myself, that leads to the concept of cause and effect. I think that this class has a lot to offer and the fact that it is online makes it better so that people do not have to rush to class, they can sleep in and still get the work done and have a good grade in the class. I learned that communication can lead to new friends, with the group we were assigned, i learned many things about them. People also have their own lives and sometimes encounter concepts like appeal to emotion and appeal to pity, as well as appeal to spite. Its amusing how when we say something, we do not know that it is part of concepts say perceptions. When we see a man walking with tight pants, purple sunglasses, and walks in a different way. We automatically assume that he is gay, but we do not know that for sure. Overall, i really enjoyed this class.