Monday, November 1, 2010

Appeals to emotion

After reading Chapter 10 about appeals to emotion, i find that the concept of appealing to pity is very persuading because it actually works. In the first example, two people feel sympathy about the poor kids over seas, how they are not getting the nutrients and energy they need in order to survive. This type of appeal gets to everyone because it allows the idea to get into people's head and have them feel guilty that they have everything, but the kids in other countries have nothing to survive and can die at any moment. Some people think that people in other countries are doing this so that organizations can get money from this process and making Americans feel pity. In my opinion, i believe that people in other countries do need our help because they are not as fortunate as us, of having a full time job and television to watch and a beautiful car to drive and impressing the ladies. Other people are lucky enough to have clothes and shoes to wear.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think people who have hearts and souls feel pity all the time if they see sick children from other countries, or even homeless people. I know I feel pity all the time when I see a commercial on TV saying that children need clean water, food, shelter, clothes and others supplies. I don’t think it is the music that they play with the commercial that gets to me, but see those children from Asia, Africa, and South America makes me sad all the time. The only way how we can donate is to make sure that the organization is legit, or else you’re screwed. If the organization is legit, then donate. I do not donate because before I did not have a job and I was just living off my FAFSA money during freshmen year. Now I have a job working for the government and I’m in a lot of organizations such as CFC. It is a good program, and I love giving to people as much as I can. I feel that when I am in their situation, something nice will happen to me, as something nice happened to them. I also agree with you that most counties need our help because they are not like us who are living in America who has money to spend.

  3. I agree that the concept of Appeal to emotion is very persuasive. I find that television or internet ads use appeal to emotion all the time. Like you said, organizations use appeal to pity in order to get people to donate some money to some children in poor countries who are in need of help. Appeal to fear is another concept that television ads use. For instance, politicians use appeal to fear a lot. In my blog I discussed how Jerry Brown used appeal to fear in commericials against Meg Whitman. Like when he compared Meg Whitman and former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. This scared Californians into thinking that if they vote for Meg Whitman, nothing will change. It made people vote for Jerry Brown, and he won.
