Monday, September 13, 2010

Violating The Principle of Rational Discussion

The argument that i like the most is "strawman" because not only are you addressing the person's argument but you can add something in it to relate it to an argument you want to address. In Epstein's word, he states that "strawman" is saying "it's easier to knock down someone's argument if you misrepresent it, putting words in the other person's mouth". In other words, i can get something out of an argument that a friend of mine is addressing. For example, My brother recently wanted an Apple Laptop and the cost of it was out of question to my mom because there was no way that she will spend nearly a thousand dollars on a laptop. But as i was reading through the Best Buy catalog, i saw that they were having a promotion where if you buy a Apple laptop, not only will you get that, but you will also receive a free Ipod Touch. It was basically a win-win situation. So my brother got what he wanted but instead of him arguing about it with my mom, i negotiated with her so that it would be cheaper. In reality, i misrepresented his argument with an argument that my mom would not refuse to, since she loves free stuff.


  1. I enjoyed reading your response about violating the principle of rational discussion. I agree with your response. I enjoyed your example. You made it very clear and easy to understand. I think it was well written and funny as well because I can relate to it a lot. My siblings and I use to use the same method to get my parents to get us something that we want. I like how you mentioned that instead of your brother arguing with your mother about the expensive Apple laptop, you negotiated with her, which in this case is misrepresenting the situation, and relates to putting words in the other person's mouth. Overall, you gave a great response of strawman and followed it with a clear example!

  2. Good example! You didn’t make it too hard to understand. Gosh, Mac products are so expensive isn’t it? I have my Mac book pro for about a year now and it isn’t doing well. My mouse pad is not working as well. I will have to click a lot of times in order for the window to close or whatever. It is good quality, but it really isn’t worth it. It is not nearly 1000 dollars…it is over 1000 bucks! True you do get a free ipod touch, but you have to buy it, then you will get a rebate back in a month. I enjoyed reading your example. I hope your brother enjoys his apple products while it lasts.

  3. This was a funny example to me but it was still a good one. I wish my mom was like yours...she still wants me to get a Mac book pro and she said it'd be a good idea because you get free stuff but I'm going to have to buy it...In the past, I've also misrepresented arguments in order to get my way. Putting words in other people's mouths or using their words against them is a smart way to get what you want but it isn't always the most rational. But I admit that when I do it get what I want, I feel better but if it's just to prove someone wrong, I feel bad. Good example, again.

  4. Hi I liked the example you gave about violating the principles of rational discussion. I like how you explained what straw man was. You made it very easy to understand. You actually helped me understand what straw man was a little more than I did before. The example you gave about the Mac was really good. I also go my mom to buy one because of the free ipod. So I definitely could relate to your example. I also like your example because it was realistic. And because apple was still offering the same deal my brother ended up with a Mac also when it was time for him to go to college.

  5. This is a good way to explain it. Its funny that you used the Apple laptop as an example , because that also relates to me. People might be one sided on a certain situation, but if you show them some thing that might benefit them ( basically putting words in their mouth) then they might reconsider. My auntie did that to my cousin. My little cousin convinced her once he said that you get a printer, an ipod touch and the macbook. Your example made me realize an easier approach to look at violating the principle of Ration Discussion.
